What is a Property Ombudsman?

The Property Ombudsman is a type of mediator that operates in the real estate industry. They help resolve disputes between landlords and tenants while renting, buying or even selling. Without either party having to go through costly litigation. The role of an ombudsman is to act as an impartial third party. He provides information about the property’s history. So that both parties can come up with a solution together. This blog post will provide you with everything you need to know about what a property ombudsperson does. And why they are important for any landlord or tenant!

What is a Property Ombudsman and What Do They Do?

property ombudsman division concept. Wooden family with house and judge gavel close up

A property ombudsman is someone who helps with disputes between landlords and tenants. They help the two parties come to an agreement. Without either one of them having to go through the lengthy or expensive court proceeding. The ombudsperson’s job is to provide information about the history of the property. So that both parties can find a solution together. There is no need to contact a property ombudsman unless you have a dispute. But if you’re a landlord and your tenant has an issue with something in the rental property. They can contact this person to help come up with solutions that are fair for both parties.

The role of property ombudsmen is as mentioned before. Their goal is to be an impartial third party. They provide information about the property’s history. So that both parties can come up with a solution together. They don’t take sides or make decisions on behalf of anyone else. Instead, they provide unbiased mediator services. Which mean there may not always be an agreement between landlords and tenants. But at least things will move forward!

The Property Ombudsman should be capable of performing an independent complaint resolution role. Such a person needs impeccable personal integrity. He must be a good listener, an inquisitive nature, be solution orientated. Also, he should be able to see all perspectives. And possess the courage to speak truth to those who may not welcome it.

Who Uses a Property Ombudsman?

If you’re a landlord or tenant using The Property Ombudsman services. You’ll be able to feel confident in case of a dispute. The Property Ombudsman can take control of the situation. The dispute can vanish within no time. And there will be no headache for the landlord or the tenant. They’re knowledgeable and unbiased about their position to make sure they are impartial.

So, one can use a property ombudsman if they may experience

  • Poor service
  • If someone violates your legal rights
  • Negligence in following the rules under membership obligations and Code of Practice
  • Ill-treatment

Types of Property Ombudsman

There are two functional schemes to help people with any property-related problems.

  • The Property Ombudsman Service.
  • The Property Redress Scheme.

There used to be a third scheme as well but that no longer operates.

The Property Ombudsman Service

TPOS will guide you through the process of resolving disputes. And they take every complaint seriously. You should always be ready to provide TPOS with as much evidence as possible. If your dispute becomes complicated so that everyone can assess whether it is appropriate for a Property Ombudsman to investigate further.

The Ombudsman is your best friend if you have a problem with a company. If it agrees that the company made an error. They will contact them and give them 14 days to take action or appeal. Before writing back to let you know what happened next. You’ll then get 28 days in which to reply! TPOS can award you up to £25,000 in settlements. However, the average claim is usually only closer to a few thousand pounds. For lettings and sales complaints combined.

The Property Redress Scheme:

The Property Redress Scheme started in 2014. When you complain to the PRS, a case assessor will first assess the validity of your claim. Later, give you two options:

  1. They can resolve it for you or
  2. They can send this complaint off to another company that has jurisdiction over what is being disputed. After 10 days on either option. If there’s been no action taken by whoever received your complaint. They end up making a final decision on whether or not these complaints should progress forward with any changes.

What Are The Benefits of a Property Ombudsman?

House with gavel and law books. Real estate law and house auction concept and property ombudsman concept

A few of the main benefits of a property ombudsman include:

Provides Protection to Consumers:

The first and foremost benefit that a property ombudsman provides to the consumer is protection. They all work together to ensure that they focus greatly on consumer protection culture. They are here to make sure that a consumer has a good experience in the housing market.

Unbiased about their Position:

Another main benefit of a property ombudsman is that they are impartial. As a result, they end up solving the dispute. They’re knowledgeable and unbiased about their position.

Property Ombudsmen can help hold negotiations between landlords and tenants accountable without bias. So it’s easier for both parties involved to come up with solutions together!

Information and knowledge:

Their knowledge while sorting out the issues about properties helps resolve issues. Makes it easier to come up with a solution for both parties involved.

Saves Your Time and Money

Alarm clock and money coins - time is money concept

The Property Ombudsman resolves disputes and ends up saving your time. Also, the court proceedings are expensive and time-consuming. If you take your dispute to TPO, it can save you a lot of money.

The property ombudsman could take a minimum of 16-18 weeks to solve a dispute. Their preference is to provide excellent customer service. However, the length of time varies depending on the severity and number of claims that are being made. More than 16,000 inquiries are received every year.

Benefits of having a Property Ombudsman in your Area and How to Find One?

Joining a scheme provides countless benefits and gives people confidence. The confidence about turning to someone with your complaints in case of an issue. You want to find the ombudsman that is closest to you. It can mean going through your state’s resources.

The best way to find a TPO member is by filling this form on the official website. You will be able to connect with an Ombudsman in your area if they on the list.

You may also want to contact Housing Ombudsman Service.

Whether you are a resident or a landlord, it will help with general inquiries. Or even if you have already made the complaints and looking to follow up.

The Importance of Property Ombudsmen When Buying or Selling Properties

Whether you’re buying, selling or renting a home. It is always in your best interest to know the ins and outs of what can go wrong. That way when something does happen. Like getting locked out or something else. You won’t feel too stressed about figuring things out. Because that’s when the work of the Property Ombudsman starts when there is a need to investigate, solve and take action on complaints. An Ombudsman comes around when there are unfair conditions in residential housing. So, if you are renting out properties, or selling them. This means an Ombudsman can be your best friend with many things. He can help to negotiate disputes between landlords and renters. This is why it’s important to have someone who has knowledge of the law. Also experience in resolving conflicts because these professionals will help ensure all parties involved get what they deserve.

Red and green men meet for a treaty. Candidates Political Debate. civilized resolution of conflicts and disputes, search for compromise. Networking in business. Negotiation platform.

Just like we’ve been talking about before, having an ombudsman on hand helps make sure that two people don’t act against each other. Which then causes one party to lose out unfairly. For example, if a tenant complains about their landlord not allowing them access into the apartment. Instead of investigating complaints and making necessary changes. He or she may retaliate by refusing to allow the tenant access at all. An ombudsman will help settle this dispute and stop any retaliation from happening. It is a win-win for both parties involved. It pays to know as much about the agreement you have with your tenant; our guide to the Landlord & Tenants Act 1985 will give you more knowledge on the legal agreement you have with tenants.

When they’re looking into complaints, these professionals are going to investigate thoroughly. Each party providing evidence or details that could show one side in a better light than the other if need be. They’ll then report back their findings so everyone can understand what went wrong. Moving forward, how to resolve the matter. The whole process also helps protect people’s privacy. As no information about them will get leaked without permission of course!

The Property Ombudsman is an important part of real estate deals. Because of how they ensure there aren’t any problems between two parties. As a result, this can help avoid lawsuits from disagreements that happen. During the selling, buying or even renting process. This is important because it’s not just one person who may be getting ripped off. Or taken advantage of by another party in these agreements but everyone involved!

Having someone to go to for help with any issues is so valuable. Their experience of dealing with similar problems before benefits both parties involved. This ensures you’re going to get some good advice on what needs doing next. Without having to worry about anything else!

Things to Consider Before Hiring an Ombudsman

Lawyers are advising clients about real estate law.

What will the ombudsman be doing on your behalf? They handle everything from getting an offer accepted. To handling any issues that may come up during the negotiation. These are a few points that you can keep in mind while hiring an Ombudsman.

How long have they been in business? While some people like being able to work with someone who’s new at their profession. Others prefer to experience it as it can result in better service overall. The best way is to look back over their past cases and see what kind of results they achieved so far!

Will they charge money or just take a commission? What percentage does this amount to when buying and selling properties together? This could affect how much you end up paying in the long run.

What is their specialty? What do they specialize in and what are some of the properties that they handle? This could be a good indication of whether or not you’ll get quality service if you pick them as your property ombudsman or not.

What are their qualifications? How many years have they been in the industry? Plus, how much experience do they have working with clients to ensure that everything goes smoothly for them? They should be able to answer this question without any issues.

Do you know about their background? Or what kind of education they had before becoming an ombudsman? This is important information as it tells you a lot about how well versed they’ll be when it comes to handling your case!

If you’re struggling with some disagreements amongst your friends or family members about what should happen next time any one of you moves house. Get in touch today because the Property Ombudsman will do all he can to make sure everyone is happy again.


If you are looking for a property ombudsman, contact us. We have the experience and expertise to help protect your investment in real estate. Our team is ready to go above and beyond for our clients. At Oasis Living we provide comprehensive services that will meet all of your property management needs. For more information on how we can help you with your housing needs, please don’t hesitate to call or email today!

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