Your Responsibility as a Tenant

As a tenant, you have specific responsibilities that your landlord expects of you. These include paying your rent on time and not damaging the property. Or using the furniture inside the property carefully and maintaining a clean living space. If you do not meet these expectations, then it can lead to eviction from the shared property. In this blog post, we will go over what a landlord expects from tenants when renting at shared properties. Also, what steps a renter needs to take in order to avoid eviction. So let’s start with the basics.

What Should a Tenant Keep in Mind?

money house of us cents coins and 5 dollars banknote - tenant pays rent each month

As a tenant, you should expect to pay your monthly rent on time of course! You are responsible for paying the landlord or property manager in full. And according to their payment terms. Consider paying the rent at least one day before it’s due each month or as soon as possible. If you are unable to do so, then they may refuse future rental payments from you.

Tenants should also be aware that any damage made by them inside the shared property can cause an eviction notice. Especially if it’s left unrepaired. This includes but isn’t limited to accidental spills on furniture or flooring. Also, scratches on walls from moving furniture and general wear and tear. Such as carpet stains caused by pets. When these damages occur, tenants should immediately notify their landlords. So the landlords can arrange the repairs as soon as possible.

Tenants should also be careful not to block the landlord’s access. This can include parking a car in front of their entrance. Or not allowing them entry into specific areas that you have taken on rent. Such as storage spaces and bedrooms on other floors. Keep your area clear for easy access so that repairs don’t become delayed. Just because they weren’t able to get inside quickly enough.

Your Responsibilities as a Tenant

tenant checklist marked in red pen

  1. First and foremost, understand your rights and duties as a tenant. At the same time, you are living at a shared property. You should be aware of a few things to ensure that your living situation is as smooth and safe as possible. If there are rules set out, respect them. So you don’t get charged with a fee for breaking one!
  1. Be prepared for the landlord to show up at any time, including weekends or holidays. They will not always have the time or resources to address the problems themselves. It’s the best time to discuss with them when they are over. Suppose something breaks in the property that needs a replacement or repair. You must contact your landlord right away so they can take care of it as soon as possible!
  1. Keep the property clean. Sweep, vacuum, mop floors regularly. Change bed linens weekly. Clean bathroom daily. If you have a pet, make sure you are aware of your landlord’s restrictions on pets. And you must follow them accordingly.
  1. Report any gas leaks or smells promptly to the landlord. It is the basic right of the tenant to have a safe place to live. It would be best if you dealt with safety issues urgently, such as broken windows or locks. Use appliances with care, don’t overload outlets. Do not block windows and doors. Try to keep curtains closed, so sunlight doesn’t get in too much during daytime hours. This helps save energy!
  1. Respect others living in the building by not making too much noise. As excessive noise can lead to eviction. Be mindful of the noise levels when you are carrying out activities in your living space. Also, report noise nuisance if you are facing disturbance by other tenants sharing the same property. It’s essential to acknowledge your role and responsibility as a tenant. This will help ensure that there are no conflicts with other tenants or landlords. It also provides that all parties involved have a fair agreement about the responsibilities of all matters.
  1. Do not throw large parties without permission from the landlord first. Also, try not to leave anything in the shared space that is on your lease. Be respectful of other tenants by keeping noise levels down. When you have guests over, making sure they know where they can park their cars. Sometimes you have limited space for parking at shared properties. The most critical after-effect of a party would be taking care of garbage. And not just leaving it everywhere.
  1. Be mindful of other tenants’ needs and do not disturb them unnecessarily. The tenant is also responsible for taking care of any pets he or she may have. If you own pets that are not well-behaved. Or if your pet’s litter box needs cleaning more than once per month. Then it would be best if you kept them outside of your rental unit so as not to be disturbing other residents. This includes ensuring that a tenant keeps their pets restrained. However, cleaning up after them appropriately is very important. Also, not allowing their scent to bother other people. When it would cause a disturbance in another person’s enjoyment of the property. Such as when you are living in an apartment building.
  1. Clean out your fridge before moving out so it is easier for new tenants coming in. This will also help with mould growth. Since the refrigerator is usually one of the most challenging places to clean.
  1. Return all keys provided by your landlord upon move day out of the property to your landlord. Please provide a list of all keys given as well as their corresponding locks.

Tenants should be respectful of the landlord’s property. This includes taking care not to damage a rental space. Or other tenants’ spaces, such as hallway carpets and flooring in common areas. Especially while dragging furniture across it for installation purposes. It also extends to being careful about using communal kitchen appliances like ovens. Since these can become damaged from overuse by one tenant.

If they don’t properly clean up after themselves. There is no specific timeline involved with repairing damages caused by renters. A landlord only pays for repairs that occur during their time managing the property. So you won’t have any obligations until this happens. Unless there was some kind of preexisting condition beforehand, follow the above-mentioned guidelines and expectations. These are set forth by landlords because it will make life easier on both sides!

How to Find the Right Rental for You

Tenant choosing the right rental home

The first decision you need to make is what kind of rental property would be suitable for your needs. Do you want a one-bedroom place where you can go back and forth between home and the office? A two-story walk up that will give you more space than most apartments in the UK could offer? Or do you just need an apartment with a few rooms? So that it’s easier when entertaining guests or hosting family functions?

There are plenty of options out there for people looking to rent properties around London City! The only thing stopping them from finding their perfect match might be knowing where to start.

However, the best way to find the right rental is by using online listings. Searching through the web will help you compare different rental prices and neighbourhoods in your city or town of choice. You can use an agent. If needed for extra assistance during this process, but they are not necessary. Scams do exist out there. So be wary when looking at any advertisement with high rent rates, especially if they seem too good to be true!

The key here is doing thorough research before deciding where exactly you want to live after moving into your next apartment home. It’ll make finding one easier on yourself, which makes all the difference later down the line!

These tips should help point renters in the direction they’re looking for. Whether they end up renting in Central London near the Marble Arch or in East London.

Things to Look Out for When Renting a Property

a sad dog with their head on the table

As there is a rise seen in renting properties in the UK. About 4.44 million spaces are privately rented throughout the UK, according to a very recent study held in 2020. One must be aware of the things to look out for while renting a property to make an informed decision.

So, have you already decided? If you are looking for a studio apartment, a two-bedroom share, or one bed and bath place? Educate yourself about the area. Who are your neighbours? Are there any news stories? Or events that could be an issue for you and the landlord in this location?

It’s always a plus to discuss pets before signing on with a renter. If that is a concern for you. Ask your landlord if pet rent is permitted. What type of animals do they allow? Also, if they have restrictions against certain pets, don’t forget to ask if they’ll paint any rooms before moving in!

Another thing that you need to consider is how much are you willing to spend monthly on rent per square metre? Also, is there enough space for your furniture in the property that you’re considering renting? Is it possible to move some pieces around if needed?

Does the location work with what’s important to you right now? Plus, how this will change as time goes by. Or do they have 24-hour security available at your prospective home? Like many apartments, London City offer their tenants so that you can feel safe when waking up!

Tips on How to be a Good Tenant

Always communicate with your landlord. Keep them informed about repairs needed on the property. Pay all bills and rent payments in full by the due date, which will help you avoid late fees. Keep track of when your contract is up. So you can plan ahead for what needs to happen next in terms of renting or purchasing a new property.

While submitting your application, try to be honest. There’s no point getting all the way to leasing time without knowing what you’re going into. So take a minute and read through that lease before signing it! Don’t rent more than you can afford. Don’t go wild if other expenses are coming up soon, like car payments or student loans. Keep those places well-maintained by showing them care on behalf of yourself as much as for others who come after, too. And when something unexpected comes up? Ask questions until everything is clear again. If there are rules set out within the tenancy agreement that isn’t followed. Report this information right away, so it doesn’t turn into an issue later down the line!

If you need now information on the responsibilities of your landlord then get clued up with our article that explains it all in detail!


When you are a tenant of any property, be it an apartment or house. There are specific responsibilities that your landlord expects from you. Try to be mindful of those responsibilities. As it will be great for both the parties. For more information about what landlords expect from tenants when renting at shared properties – call our office where we can answer all questions promptly! Or even if you are looking for a space to rent. We want everyone to have a positive experience while renting, so give us a call today!

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